Thursday, March 31, 2005


Try and tell me this doesn't look like the long-lost twin of the "Terri Schiavo" seen on the Fox Page two posts below.

Check out the Fat Kid

My buddy the Fat Kid got a shout out on

Way to go, Fatty!

Terri's dead; Bring on the next overblown media event!

Well, I suspected this might occur. I mean, Johnnie Cochran died Tuesday. And these kinds of things always come in threes. Although I guess Mrs. Schiavo wasn't so much a "celebrity" as she was a "publicly recognized figure" due to the immense amount of media coverage her life/death story has received. Ironic that she ultimately never knew the extent of her repute.

Then I saw Fox News' touching tribute to the Right's latest moral crusade. Funny how Fox decided to use a picture of Terri from her Freshman year Spring Break trip. I guess its intended to make everyone feel worse about letting the woman die naturally instead of using machines and a tube to prolong her life and medical bills for another 15 years.

What, you don't recognize Terri Schiavo? But this is the same woman Fox has been showing you the entire time, not some sort of subtle sympathy play by the Network that's "Fair and Balanced"!

Nevertheless, I'm still at a loss as to why our Congress felt the necessity to butt into this business with "Terri's Law." What next? I know a lady who's ex-husband owes her $10K in back child support. Maybe they can enact "Judy's Law" to crack down on deadbeat dads? We certainly don't want any CHILD LEFT BEHIND, you know.

I just don't get where people who insist on human life being "natural" and "according to God's plan" insist on keeping part of someone's brain alive through a feeding tube.

Michael Schiavo, as recently seen on Fox News Channel.

In conclusion, can't we all just get back to the Michael Jackson case? Otherwise, people might start harping on how many Americans have died fighting in Iraq or god forbid we start asking our Congress to pay attention to Social Security and Welfare reform again.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Veruca says:

Friday, March 25, 2005

Pope says "Screw Easter!"

Seriously. Although the cover story is all about his "health", we know he's really going to Cancun for the latest Girls Gone Wild taping over college Spring Break.

"Eat my shorts!"

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Yea, Revolution!

I'm all for revolution, but this is short-sighted. They're going to be sorry they destroyed those air conditioner units in a few months.

Spiderman 3 Casting Rumor CONFIRMED!

Let me clear up all the rumors about Lowell Mather being cast as a villain in Spiderman 3 so we can put all the stupid Venom and Sandman chatter to bed:
Thomas Haden Church plays a mechanic that "fixes" the Spiderplane, thinking he's sabatoged the plane and killed Spidey. However it turns out that Mary Jane is the one that gets trapped in the plane and dies. (Remember that Dunst said previously she's not coming back after the third film.)

Still don't believe me? Here's a SNEAK PEEK from on-set that proves my story!

'Nuff said?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Ben Folds Rarities

I love the piano stylings of Mr. Folds whether he's with company or solo.

I'll keep it brief. Go HERE for more.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Old News

John Z. DeLorean died Sunday:

The guy has a great "Horatio Alger" style story to tell...if Mr. Alger's story ended with him being busted for trying to sell drugs just before making it to the very top of his game. But what I find sadly ironic is that his namesake and legacy has most likely endured thanks to Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale.

I love Back to the Future. The concept and execution was top notch for its time (and still holds up well) and the DeLorean automobile has fantastic physical presence that cannot help but inspire thoughts of adventure.

"Dad, why'd someone want to be named after the Time Machine from Back to the Future??"

Monday, March 21, 2005

Shag art comes to life

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of attending the new musical/dance cocktail of "Shag With a Twist" in Los Angeles.

If you dig neo-mod style, find Tiki culture fascinating or are just intrigued with the whole whimsical scheme polnesian art and culture bring to mind, you will love Shag (AKA: artist, Josh Agle).

It was wild to see Shag's artistic creations literally come to life and the bossa nova beats are exactly what one would imagine to be the soundtrack to the lives of Shag's characters.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Retarded Bowling

I just like the way they wrote the title of this article.

It's gotta be "News" if a major media source says so!

Now, I know that the media perpetuates the stories that they think will attract the most viewers and grip them into watching night after night after night. That holds true whether you believe the media is still a vast liberal cesspool or a vast right-wing conspirator. It's not about "news", it's about getting your attention and keeping it, so they can make money from sponsors. Period.

Network news as we knew it has been dead for quite some time now.

So, I distance myself from television news, culture-popular news mags like Time & Newsweek, and I only skim through the Sunday paper. When something groudbreaking occurs, it miraculously seems to reach me everytime. Imagine, I don't need TV News to tell me like it is?(Shock!)

That being said, it still amazes me that THIS makes's top headline this morning. (I'll link to the story itself here in case CNN decides there's something slightly more "newsworthy" to replace this later in the day.) I mean, is anyone outside of the MLB even interested in knowing this? Are there that many people frothing with interest over this story as opposed to such "real" newstories as, say the Michael Jackson case (gasp!) or the Scott Peterson trial (Yes! Gimme more!)

I think we'd all prefer to remain the good, obedient American the President wants us to be and KEEP OUR HEADS IN THE SAND.

Seriously, why is Congress jumping to litigate baseball steroids (which breaks NO laws, just arbitrary rules set by a professional sports league when the national Medicare and Social Security systems need dire help? And while I'm posing rhetorical questions that not even one of the 3 people who read this blog will snarkily respond to in the Comments below (though I strongly urge you to contribute!), why do I keep seeing reports on the Scott Peterson case on E! news and listed along with the Robert Blake and MJ trials in the newspaper?? Scott Peterson's no celebrity. No more than Ted Bundy or Susan Smith were.

Wake up people! Regain self-consciousness and stop letting media and corporate conglomerates that advertise to us every 2.3 minutes in the US blur your sensibilities. Sigh

St. Patty's Day

I subconsciously refused to wear green today. Anyone pinches me and they die.
But just to make sure no one tries pinching Feast or Famine, I better put some "green" on the the page:

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

"Breaking News" and a poem

This is "news"? Haven’t we all known this since at least 10 months ago? Or 2-3 years ago?

And now some impromptu poetry:

Julianna Macklestien,
Sitting in an apple tree,
Always talking down to me,
‘bout everything that she can see,
I hate that stupid bitch.

Macklestien ('mack-uhl-steen')

Monday, March 14, 2005

Random stuff

Work not challenging enough for you? Try being a helicopter pilot for more than 60 seconds. (Warning, this game can also be highly addictive due to its ridiculously deceptive appearance):

Check Gas prices in your area (because we all need to stay informed):

Was that an earthquake??! Probably not, but if it was, the USGS site will show it to you anywhere in the world. You shoulda seen this thing around tsunami day last December...

Last, but not least today is a favorite guilty pleasures of mine.
Riti-sped's are the best.

Gas still hovering around $2.34 for 87 octane.

Just reporting back to you all on my gas price dilligence.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Sites with something interesting

Space Invaders for the office (that song is creepy when it speeds up at the end): Yikes!

Fuck Doom. This may very well be the most addicting game on-line. I kid you not. Try and beat my high score of 34. Just try.

I have GOT to try some of this: Schmaltz Beer!

Archie has the best stuff. Buy a spiney echinda for your office or your home!

Get the insider scoop on what's going on inside and behind the scenes at the Disney parks:

Anyone grow up in the 80's?

And speaking of "retro", anyone interested in old baseball cards? How about cards from the 19th century. These guys know EVERYTHING. Give'em a read and post if you want, just don't start asking them about Gary Gaetti cards:

Whoa! (and Lexis Nexis)

Check this out!

I don't know anything about the inner workings of dams, but based on what happens to that boat, I want to know how the guy that got sucked into the dam survived.

I also discovered today what a powerful search tool Lexis Nexis can be. Got a speeding ticket in 1992? Yeah, it's there....and I can see it. The next boy my girlfriend's baby sister decides to date will have to pass a Lexis Nexis check before he's deemed "acceptable."

Thursday, March 10, 2005


This isn't the formal rant I had hoped to spout, but I need to express my complete disfrutment upon driving to work this morning and seeing that 87 octane unleaded gasoline had jumped overnight from $2.24/gallon (itself already up $0.10 from a week or so prior) to $2.34/gallon. BASTARDS!

That's 20 cents in less than 2 weeks!

I'll be sure and let everyone know what it is on Monday after the weekend drivers have been gouged even more.

All-new Garbage!

After what seems like eons since their last album, Beautiful Garbage, the wait for the new Garbage album, Bleed Like Me, is almost over.

The first single, "Why Do You Love Me" got released just recently (inthe last week, I think). It's fast and features unfettered Manson vocals.
Check it out here.

Then check out a short clip of the video here:


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Am I getting carried away with Mr. Yuck yet?

No Way!

Boredom can work underwhelming wonders. Anyone else out there got one to share?

Recommended Reading

Well, guys and gals, looks like I won't get to my "Gas Prices" rant until tomorrow. In the meantime, here's my recommended reading for this week:
Tunnel in the Sky by Robert Heinlein

If you haven't read his book Stranger in a Strange Land, quite possibly the high point of social commentary in science fiction (it makes Star Trek look like Barney) make sure you do that sometime soon. Ok, before the end of the year at least? I throw the guantlet down and dare you not to find Jubal Harshaw one of the most enjoyable characters ever written.

Gas Prices - they only ever seem to soar

I really really have a post to write about the way gas prices continue to rise, especially in the wake of the latest news the other day that consumers can expect a 25 cent increase in the coming months.

But if you beat me to the punch, give me your thoughts in the Comments below about how we get screwed over at the pump on a daily basis.

Diaper rash can lead to death?

My friend just sent this link to me. And while it's sad in its own right, I'm honestly more amazed that prolonged diaper rash can result in dehydration and death.

What's more amazing is how INCREDIBLY LAZY one would would have to be to decide not to clean their kid's bum for SO LONG that it results in fatal diaper rash.

Your invitation to the "Last Supper" of Star Wars

...alternatively known as "The Last Temptation of Star Wars Geeks." Or Maybe "The Passion of the Lucas?"

How about a film with only minor religious inferences: "Ben-Kenobi-Hur"?

Anyway, welcome to the last stop on the Star Wars internet ring where you've either already seen the newly released final poster for Episode III, or you haven't even seen one of the prequel films and sure as hell aren't wasting $10 and two hours of your life going to Episode III any time soon.

Your humble host finds himself in the first category. Check it out here:

As you can see, my slapped together bitmap poster from last week was no where near Drew Struzan's final product. Which is fine because I was pretty much sick of Star Wars when I made that image. And although I have to admit Drew's artistic skills are slightly better than my own, I kinda like my concept and lay out better.

(WARNING! Here's where it may get a bit geeky for some people.)
I mean, what's up with the flying Yoda? I know people were either utterly mortified at Yoda's agile fighting prowness in Attack of the Clones or totally jazzed by it, but nevertheless, this is a character that within a few short years of the conclusion of Episode III (about 20 years I guess?) will be nearly decrepit and then die of old age. But for now, he's bounding around the room and I guess we just have to assume he is suddenly crippled with terrible arthritis between Episode III and his (now) reappearance in Empire Strikes Back.

And, just what the hell is that nasty hooded thing floating over on the right side of the poster near the bottom? I can only suspect that this is either Phyllis Diller or the face of "Darth Sidious," that was so closely hidden throughout the two previous prequels. I know glimpses of his face appeared in the latest trailer and I know that spoiler fans and toy freaks have seen the full visage for some time now, but putting the exposed face so prominently on the poster seems to ruin a bit of the climactic reveal of this "mysterious" antagonist.

Boy, an old geek sure can wax pathetically about Star Wars still, can't he?
Share your thoughts on the new poster in the Comments below...and by "poster" I mean either the star wars thing or me posting a whiny message about it. ;)

Jedi yech.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A simple request

I'm pretty sure that no one reads this. Why would they? I'm not linked to by anyone and I don't try to be. But if you're so inclined, leave me a comment just to prove you actually laid eyes on this jumbled mish-msh blog of whatever. Any simple comment will do.


Welcome to Tuesday

I was in Santa Cruz yesterday for work. ALL day. I woke up at 4am. Caught a 6:30am flight out and then caught a 7:15pm back home. It was my first time seeing the area south of the San Francisco Bay. I took a few photos of the picturesque coast (which I'll share later this week) and realized that the entire town of Santa Cruz basically exists because of UC-Santa Cruz. That, and that everyone there goes surfing after 4pm.

While I was there, I stopped for lunch at the Saturn Cafe, a little vegetarian diner in the downtown area. Damn tasty stuff, that I highly recommend to anyone, even if you aren't a vegetarian.

The thing that struck me the most shockingly about Santa Cruz was how completely "unglamorous" it was. People were incredibly casual, both in appearance and demeanor. (I guess I've already been living in Orange County too long.) Santa Cruz is also where I believe all of the old Volkswagon vehicles go to retire. I saw so many original Beetles and half-rusted and haphazardly modified VW Vans that at first I thought surely there must be some bizarre Volkswagon show in town for the week.


Friday, March 04, 2005

With little ado

I wish I had something more of interest to impart to all you nonexistent readers of Feast or Famine today, but I don't. Sad to say, I did see the promo that was shown on Fox for the Star Wars trailer I mentioned yesterday.

Devin over at CHUD expresses some of what I'm feeling about the state of advertising and media today (at least in relation to this promo for a trailer which is a promo for a movie.)

We live in such a hypercommercial society where "everything" can be a news story and we have to hype our hype with "pre-hype" just to edge out any potential competition.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Speaking of comics, here's a crossover of epic proportions.
Star Wars geeks meet the over-sexed drama kids of the OC.

Yep, the very last Star Wars trailer will debut on TV (huh?) during next week's OC, proving that even lesbian relationships aren't enough to draw good ratings for Fox these days.

Comics still kick ass

I used to read comic books when I was a kid. Three or four titles of Spiderman, X-men, Batman, Green Lantern, Superman for a while, and all the first Image titles that ever hit the stands.

I had plenty of back issues, too. Reading those older issues and seeing how corny some of the old advertising was always gave me a laugh, but they were nothing like THIS.

Courtesy of the very fine Jim Treacher. I strongly urge you to check it out for a few laughs!

Be the Buddha

A very, very long time ago, a self-righteous man, who possessed great disdain for the erudite elements of society, overheard two old men speaking of the Buddha.

"Buddha can withstand 1,000 insults from anyone and never speak one in return," said one old man.
"It is true. No man on earth can move Buddha to anger. Buddha is controlled only by himself," said the other old man.

The self-righteous man scoffed upon over-hearing the words of the two old men. "It is not possible that any man cannot be angered, especially when provoked by another. I will prove that the Buddha is not invincible to another man's words!"

And the self-righteous man began a journey to visit the Buddha, who lived very far away. When he reached Buddha, he immediately began hurling insults at Buddha in order to anger him. He called Buddha names and he spake lies and disrespected him. Yet Buddha remained silent in the face of the man's harsh words. He continued to mock and revile Buddha for hours until the man fell into silent exhaustion.

The Buddha spoke. He asked the man a single question, "If you give someone a gift, and they refuse it, who then does the gift belong to?"

"The giver, of course," the man retorted.


Recommended reading for the weekend: Fletch by Gregory McDonald

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


I regret not having the time to make a proper post today. Instead, accepot my humble apologies as I continue to slave away at work.

I'll refer you to where you can read about such nasty movie news as the new Star wars trailer debuting during The OC on March 10 (Lucas, you've hit a new low.)

Eating humble pie,

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Recommended Reading

Almost forgot!

Recommended reading for 3/2/05: Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.

Breaking News: "US Courts Full of Shit"

This kind of thing really pisses me off.

Malvo was NOT held hostage to take part in the crime. He has never offered any plea that suggested any such lack of culpability. The fact that the Courts rationalize that "the state cannot extinguish his life and his potential to attain a mature understanding of his own humanity" just doesn't hold water. A "mature understanding"??? I guarantee there are plenty of felons on death row who had not gained, and still have not gained any kind of emotional, decision-making maturity when they committed their crimes. What does 17 or 18 have to do with making such a determination?


It's bogus. The Justices have sent a message saying "If you're under 18 and you commit a 'heinous' crime, the worst that happens is you spend the rest of your life in prison."

Wrong! I'm don't absolutely believe that the best way to stop an action is by increasing the severity of the punishment, but for people who willingly engage in MURDER, there can be no deterrent that will stop them from committing their intended act. They can't be reformed and put back into society. They aren't deterred by the death penalty, but it's certainly more of a consequence to consider than life amongst other felons.

Where's fuckin' Hammurabbi when you need him?

I lived in the DC area during the sniper shootings. In fact, I was out and about the morning the first shootings in Metro area occurred and when my girlfriend couldn't get ahold of me (knowing I was at a meeting in the vicinity of those first few shootings) she got freaked out. Rightfully so, I suppose.

Although the intensity of the "DC Sniper Shootings" has unquestionably calmed in the 2+ years since they happened, anyone living in the area then can still remember how fucked up it was that random people where being gunned down in cold-blood and in seemingly random locations around the VA-DC-MD area. Yes, our fears helped create a feeling of indefinite panic and anxiety about doing the most simple things: walking along a street, playing outside during recess, filling our car with gas, walking out of a restaurant.

It seemed like "the Sniper" had no boundaries as to where he shot people or whom he chose to kill. Living in Virginia and working in Bethesda, just beyond the DC city limits, I was familiar with nearly every site of the Sniper shootings and had been in those same locations at one time or another.

This guy knew what he was doing. And for his willing role in essentially terrorizing the half-million residents of the immediate DC area, he should face the ultimate consequence- Death. But it looks like he'll live out the rest of his days, just like that psycho Manson.