It's gotta be "News" if a major media source says so!
Now, I know that the media perpetuates the stories that they think will attract the most viewers and grip them into watching night after night after night. That holds true whether you believe the media is still a vast liberal cesspool or a vast right-wing conspirator. It's not about "news", it's about getting your attention and keeping it, so they can make money from sponsors. Period.
Network news as we knew it has been dead for quite some time now.
So, I distance myself from television news, culture-popular news mags like Time & Newsweek, and I only skim through the Sunday paper. When something groudbreaking occurs, it miraculously seems to reach me everytime. Imagine, I don't need TV News to tell me like it is?(Shock!)
That being said, it still amazes me that THIS makes's top headline this morning. (I'll link to the story itself here in case CNN decides there's something slightly more "newsworthy" to replace this later in the day.) I mean, is anyone outside of the MLB even interested in knowing this? Are there that many people frothing with interest over this story as opposed to such "real" newstories as, say the Michael Jackson case (gasp!) or the Scott Peterson trial (Yes! Gimme more!)
I think we'd all prefer to remain the good, obedient American the President wants us to be and KEEP OUR HEADS IN THE SAND.
Seriously, why is Congress jumping to litigate baseball steroids (which breaks NO laws, just arbitrary rules set by a professional sports league when the national Medicare and Social Security systems need dire help? And while I'm posing rhetorical questions that not even one of the 3 people who read this blog will snarkily respond to in the Comments below (though I strongly urge you to contribute!), why do I keep seeing reports on the Scott Peterson case on E! news and listed along with the Robert Blake and MJ trials in the newspaper?? Scott Peterson's no celebrity. No more than Ted Bundy or Susan Smith were.
Wake up people! Regain self-consciousness and stop letting media and corporate conglomerates that advertise to us every 2.3 minutes in the US blur your sensibilities. Sigh
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