Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Your invitation to the "Last Supper" of Star Wars

...alternatively known as "The Last Temptation of Star Wars Geeks." Or Maybe "The Passion of the Lucas?"

How about a film with only minor religious inferences: "Ben-Kenobi-Hur"?

Anyway, welcome to the last stop on the Star Wars internet ring where you've either already seen the newly released final poster for Episode III, or you haven't even seen one of the prequel films and sure as hell aren't wasting $10 and two hours of your life going to Episode III any time soon.

Your humble host finds himself in the first category. Check it out here:

As you can see, my slapped together bitmap poster from last week was no where near Drew Struzan's final product. Which is fine because I was pretty much sick of Star Wars when I made that image. And although I have to admit Drew's artistic skills are slightly better than my own, I kinda like my concept and lay out better.

(WARNING! Here's where it may get a bit geeky for some people.)
I mean, what's up with the flying Yoda? I know people were either utterly mortified at Yoda's agile fighting prowness in Attack of the Clones or totally jazzed by it, but nevertheless, this is a character that within a few short years of the conclusion of Episode III (about 20 years I guess?) will be nearly decrepit and then die of old age. But for now, he's bounding around the room and I guess we just have to assume he is suddenly crippled with terrible arthritis between Episode III and his (now) reappearance in Empire Strikes Back.

And, just what the hell is that nasty hooded thing floating over on the right side of the poster near the bottom? I can only suspect that this is either Phyllis Diller or the face of "Darth Sidious," that was so closely hidden throughout the two previous prequels. I know glimpses of his face appeared in the latest trailer and I know that spoiler fans and toy freaks have seen the full visage for some time now, but putting the exposed face so prominently on the poster seems to ruin a bit of the climactic reveal of this "mysterious" antagonist.

Boy, an old geek sure can wax pathetically about Star Wars still, can't he?
Share your thoughts on the new poster in the Comments below...and by "poster" I mean either the star wars thing or me posting a whiny message about it. ;)

Jedi yech.


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