Monday, February 28, 2005

Is this really necessary?


Express your disappointment with Hollywood's continual lack of creativity on the Comments below.

This is basically me at work, except I haven't made a website out of it.

OK, to correct something someone said, I'll be a little more exact about my original statement:

"This is basically me at work, except I'm not asian, I don't get paid to show emotion, just underwrite, I don't have people requesting me to pose in funny, emotional states, and I haven't made a website based on any incorrectly asserted premise that people want me to demonstrate my various faces of emotion for their viewing pleasure." Posted by Hello


Ok, I'm worried because this game is strangely addicting...and that comes from someone who LIKES penguins.

In less gory news, I recently discovered an interesting page related to the movie, The Goonies. Not only have fans apparently been making pilgrimages to the various Goonie sites in Astoria for quite some time now, but these two guys documented theirs in a little film called Goonies Vacation. The thing is a MUST see. Parodying National Lampoon's Vacation while renacting parts of The Goonies has never been done better. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's never even been done before!

Go check it out here.

Update on Robot Frank

Apparently, there are clues to his whereabouts placed randomly throughout our fair nation.

As I said before, Frank never was one to be inconspicuous.

Anyone seen a robot around here recently? Posted by Hello

Obviously, there's been alot of the latter...

Ok, so I never promised this would be updated often. In fact I never promised it would be updated at all. In fact, if you've actually come back to this blog within the last three weeks prior to or since this message was posted, you may have even less going on in your life than Booger from Revenge of the Nerds.

Oh wait, he actually had a role in Ray.

OK, then your life may be less eventful than breeding season in a mollusk colony! Yeah.

But what's "often" to me may not be "often" to you. For instance, my boss seems to think my showing up late to work often means "three days a week". Where as I feel that as long as those days are never back-to-back-to-back, it's safe. What an asshole.

Wow, funny how the word "asshole" reverberates in the boundless realm of cyberspace when there's no one else around.

Well, grab yourself a big ole bucket of roosterchum, sit back an enjoy the show. What else are you going to do?
Listen to your fiance blab about how you never "do enough around the house"?
Scour the inside of your toilet til that "toilet beard" that's been growing darker around the inner bowl is gone?

Fat chance! What am I saying? I'm saying I will make an effort to post at least one new message here each day.

I'm also saying that I apparently see alot more free time in my future than I have any reason to believe will be there.

Recommended reading for 3/1/05: The Body by Stephen King (from Different Seasons)

Consider me gone!

Monday, February 07, 2005

News in brief

So, my friend tells me a story today about this guy he went on a business trip with. After already reaching the office they were visiting (3,000 miles away), the company asked them to stay for a few days longer. Having only one change of clothes, my friend and his co-worker sent their laundry to the hotel dry cleaners. My friend sent his pants and shirt. His co-worker sent everything.

That night, they come back to their room and find their dry-cleaning ready and waiting. When my friend's co-worker opens his dry cleaning, he finds his white jockey briefs hung on a hanger and starched as hard and flat as a board. Outraged, the co-worker with the stiff undies marches down to the concierge desk to demand retribution for starching his male panties. Holding up the flattened underwear in the face of the guy at the desk, he asks them "Who the hell would do this?" and "I needed to have my stuff cleaned, but why in God's name would anyone think I want my underwear starched and hung on a hanger?!"

They told the co-worker that the laundry staff had already left for the day and there was no one still there that could "re-wash" his jockey shorts.

The concierge offered to have them properly clean the clothing immediately the next day and took the charges off the co-worker's bill. However, rather than have to suffer the indignity that is wearing dirty underwear to a business meeting the next day, the co-worker demanded they find someone to "fix" his underwear that night. And eventually one of the cleanign staff was called to the concierge desk. The co-worker handed over his stiff briefs to the older lady who came and had them returned to him, clean and unstarched within two hours.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Hello. Is there somebody out there, or is it just my echo?

This is basically my very first blog posting, so I want to see if it works.
Go here and laugh:

Apparently, Robot Frank forgot to renew his domain name. Rumor has it that his cash position became dangerously "non-existent" and in desperation he knocked over a pretzel stand in Santa Ana for dough, $50's and $20's.

So, instead go here and FEAR for your lives, like our fugitive robot friend now does, as he conspicuously hides from the long arm of the law!

Go here and laugh some more: