Monday, April 11, 2005

Satan's Yam visits the Southeast US

First things first: Apologies to anyone who waited with baited breath for a new post on April 7....and was still waiting. I didn't even come back from vacation until the 8th, so I'm not sure what I was thinking when I posted that. Maybe it was a subconscious April Fool's?

So, my trip to Atlanta and Orlando were pretty good. My cousin married some guy named "Alan" from Valdosta, Georgia (which he and his frat brothers affectionately refer to as "AL-dosta". Did I mention they've been out of college for over ten years?

It's not that he's a redneck, in fact he's quite the JAP (Jewish-American Prince). And being a JAPm he also seems incurably arrogant. Outside observers such as myself and my girlfriend immediately understood "Alan" suffers from "big fish in a small pond" syndrome. Nevertheless, I wish my cousin the best in her marriage and alot of fun future keggers. Fortunately for her, they will be living in Atlanta.

Welcome to Valdosta, GA!
I'll have more on my trip in a later post. But before I go, I MUST post this link:
This guy has had some interesting run-ins with the underbelly of the supermarket. Nastiness makes for excellent entertainment!


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